We want you to love your TAGUA BELLA collection as much as we do. If you have a problem with your order, please contact us immediately, so we can correct it. We have a high quality control standard. We inspect every item we ship to make sure all the products are in perfect condition.

Happiness Guarantee Guidelines

To make a return/exchange as easy as possible, please follow these guidelines:

1: To get a return/exchange authorization and return address, within 30 days of receipt, contact via text for best service. 603-828-4847. OR email hello@taguabella.com. Use email subject “HELP”. To best serve you, we will not accept a return without authorization from customer service.

2 : We will accept a return if our product has a quality issue. We offer an easy exchange if you do not like the style. Please understand that each tagua jewelry piece is one-of-a-kind and will vary slightly from the photo. Each is made by the earth and will have natural veining, textures and a variety of colors and shapes. These are not quality issues and will be subject to return refusal, and an exchange will be granted. All returned products must be in their original packaging & unworn.

3: Please include your completed return/exchange authorization form inside your return package. Customers are responsible for postage. Any items lost or damaged in transit to us are the responsibility of the customer, so be sure to keep a record of your tracking number as a reference. Please note that we do not accept packages returned using C.O.D. service.

4: Once we have received the package, we will send notification and arrange an exchange or a refund.

Please text 603-828-4847.